FAQ: Original Factory Condition vs. Blueprint Restoration – What's the Difference and Which is Concours?
A common misconception is that Concours restorations, which return a vehicle to its exact factory-original condition, represent the pinnacle of restoration quality. In truth, restoring a car to Concours factory condition is more difficult, more expensive, and often results in a lower-quality finish than a blueprint restoration.
Original Factory Condition (Concours Restoration):
- Restores the vehicle to match factory-original specifications exactly, including all factory quirks and imperfections.
- Reintroduces inconsistencies such as irregular panel gaps, crude factory welds, and uneven overspray—requiring extensive research and effort to replicate.
- Preserves factory-applied manufacturing markings, paint runs, and period-authentic finishes.
- Demands significant labour, as it goes against the instincts of skilled craftspeople to intentionally apply imperfections.
- Typically undertaken only for Concours competition purposes.
Blueprint Restoration:
- Restores the vehicle beyond factory accuracy, correcting original inconsistencies while maintaining period correctness.
- Achieves superior panel fit, refined welds, and high-quality paintwork without unnecessary factory defects.
- Enhances reliability and durability while respecting the vehicle’s historical integrity.
- More straightforward, cost-effective, and appealing to most clients.
- Often the recommended standard unless Concours-level authenticity is specifically required.
Which is the Best Approach?
When clients say they want their car restored "as it left the factory," they often do not realise they are asking for a more expensive and labour-intensive Concours-level restoration—one that prioritises authenticity over quality. In most cases, a blueprint restoration is the preferred option, as it provides a higher level of craftsmanship with fewer compromises.
The best strategy is to restore components to blueprint standards when they need repairs while leaving untouched original areas in their factory state. Many clients also choose targeted improvements, such as better door and panel gaps or higher-quality paint finishes that eliminate factory overspray and inconsistencies. Others prefer to maintain the original, slightly duller paint look, which can be replicated by adjusting modern finishes.
Ultimately, we work closely with each client to balance authenticity, quality, and personal preference. If you are unsure which restoration approach best suits your project, contact us to discuss your goals.