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Finch Restorations seek to hire a Handyperson Labourer
Finch Restorations seek to hire a Handyperson Labourer

We're Hiring - Handyperson Labourer

[ref: help202310]

We seek a fit and healthy Labourer, or two, to assist us in packing up and relocating our Paint Shop from its current location.  Apart from a good safety awareness, and some reasonable handyperson aptiude no particular skills are needed. However, the following skills would be well-regarded: forklift license, being mechanically minded, an ability to use hand-tools and power-tools, familiarity with working in a light-industry environment, ability to install plaster-sheet (Gyprock) and/or galvanised sheeting, and a good humour.

Job Summary

We are relocating our Paint Shop to another location and seek some extra hands to assist. An example of the tasks that we need assistance with, under supervision of our staff, include:

  • two spray booths that require their exhaust ducting to be removed (involves 'working at heights'),
  • (potentially) the disassembly of the shipping containers and packing into shipping containers,
  • restitution of the galvanised steel shed where ducts have penetrated,
  • sorting and moving an accumulation of two decades of car components, equipment and steel scrap.
  • packing and moving office and kitchen furniture and utensils,
  • disassembling a mezzanine,
  • transfer of some items to other workshops,
  • rebuilding two plasterboard (Gyprock) walls including metal studwork (if applicant has right skillset)
  • cleaning of premises including some knocking down of weeds with a whipper snipper.

For an individual, this work would likely last until mid-December. For a couple, the work might be completed earlier, but we have some other tasks that could be added if the appropriate handy-person skills were held (e.g. Gyprock experience).

The job is :

  • Immediate start
  • Five days per week (Monday to Friday)
  • Minimum of 7.6 hours per day with mandatory morning tea (15 mins) and lunch breaks (30 mins).

About you

You might be a fit individual, or a pair of fit people, with handyperson skills and/or a background of having worked in light-industry and recognise the potential safety issues involved.

Example of people who might find this work of interest could be:

  • backpacker(s) with working rights in Australia.
  • student(s) seeking some vocational work provided that you can demonstrate that you have had some experence working with hand-tools and power tools.
  • tree-changer(s) or empty-nester(s) with some extra time on hands.
  • person(s) newly arrived in Australia seeking a break into the employment market.

You will likely need to have your own means of transport if you are not local to Mount Barker in the Adelaide Hills. Driving by car, we are about 20 minutes from the Old Toll Gate at the start of the South Eastern Freeway.

We consider the work will require persons to have no mobility restrictions to their ability to work on their feet for long periods, sometimes with arms extended above their heads, and with good flexibility and balance. There is dust involved and so the persons undertaking these tasks should anticpate that kind of a work environment.

You must have full Australian Working Rights - Australian citizenship, Permanent Residency or Visa.

About us

Finch Restorations is a family owned vehicle restoration business. We are committed to providing a safe working environment for our employees and we are an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Casual Hourly Rate

We offer $29.04 per hour.

To Apply

We would prefer to receive applications along with Resumes and/or References via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. However, we respect that it not always easy for backpackers and will accept initial contact via phone during business hours: (08) 8398 2332.

Applications will close Friday 3 November 2023, unless filled prior.


Finch Restorations - Over 60 years in the Fine Art of Automobiles


Finch Motor Company
Pty. Ltd. t/a Finch Restorations
ABN. 48 602 085 941

17 Oborn Road
Mount Barker, SA 5251
South Australia

Telephone: +61 (0)8 8398 2332

Mon to Fri: 8:30AM to 4:30PM
Sat to Sun: By Appointment