Hen's Teeth for the RPO 83 Falcon XA Coupe - the 'Chicken Coupe'

As rare as hen's teeth, we have sourced New Old Stock (NOS) quarter panels for the also rare 1973 Ford Falcon XA GT RPO 83.
Andrea 3D laser scanning NOS XA Quarter Panels
Andrea 3D laser scanning NOS XA Quarter Panels

Hen's Teeth for the 'Chicken Coupe' RPO 83 at Finch

Being authentic first-generation panels they are, of course, fully accurate with better accuracy than second generation after-market copies. Before being incorporatied into the NOS quarters in the restoration of the RPO83, Andrea has 3D laser scanned the panels in our Technical Office to capture their spacial data with sub-millimetric detail.


Finch Restorations - Over 60 years in the Fine Art of Automobiles


Finch Motor Company
Pty. Ltd. t/a Finch Restorations
ABN. 48 602 085 941

17 Oborn Road
Mount Barker, SA 5251
South Australia

Email: office@finchmc.com.au
Telephone: +61 (0)8 8398 2332

Mon to Fri: 8:30AM to 4:30PM
Sat to Sun: By Appointment