Jaguar Mk2 - Stage 4 - Stripping and Priming
Stripping Stage
In this gallery, the rusted sills have been opened up, grime and body Schutz removed, and the paint stripped from the body by hand (not shown) and by low pressure blasting. This reveals the extent of rust, and in this case of this car, several existing fatique cracks.
30698710 893343617504591 4449812622346289152 n
30652594 893343240837962 5768649770159570944 n
30652789 893343510837935 4768611865586565120 n
30652990 893343310837955 9129841934209122304 n
30656385 893343144171305 8607088090084802560 n
30656558 893343480837938 8557524652820267008 n
30698053 893343080837978 8382427383147266048 n
30698367 893342850838001 1630442350897528832 n
30703785 893343220837964 7867763539421691904 n
30705398 893343434171276 5050809719652876288 n
30706677 893343270837959 5240119555799384064 n
30707175 893343347504618 5305181962372120576 n
30707230 893343377504615 9180987177864003584 n
30710937 893342907504662 1950958146537127936 n
30715628 893343120837974 2265323669267939328 n
30740267 893343040837982 5029032375741317120 n
Priming Stage
In as short a time as possible after the bare metal has been exposed through paint, schutz and filler being removed, the bodyshell's bare metal is coated with a two-pack epoxy primer to prevent flash rusting.