Contact Us

Finch Restorations has three main branches: in Hindmarsh, just 5 minutes from the Adelaide CBD; in Mount Barker and Woodside, both in the picturesque Adelaide Hills, just 25 minutes from the 'Old Toll Gate' at Glen Osmond.

Call Us
Local: (08) 8398 2332
Int'l: +61 8 8398 2332

or Email Us

or Visit Us

or Visit Us

Opening Hours
MON - FRI 8:30 PM - 4:30 PM
(excl. public holidays)
SAT - SUN By Appointment
Car clubs welcomed, with prior arrangement.

Finch Restorations

17 Oborn Road, Mount Barker
SA 5251, South Australia



Contact Us to Discuss Your Needs and Our Solutions

Explore the Benefits of using the professional services of Finch Restorations. Request a Free Consultation!

Finch Restorations - Over 60 years in the Fine Art of Automobiles


Finch Motor Company
Pty. Ltd. t/a Finch Restorations
ABN. 48 602 085 941

17 Oborn Road
Mount Barker, SA 5251
South Australia

Telephone: +61 (0)8 8398 2332

Mon to Fri: 8:30AM to 4:30PM
Sat to Sun: By Appointment